Nearly a decade ago our New Years Tradition began: My BFF (Bren) would fly in from CA a few days after Christmas, load up the motor home, hook on the snowmobile trailer and head to our mostest favorite-ist lodge ever (WyColo, baby!).
And on New Years Eve day we ride ride ride!
Nearly 100 miles of God's Country covered in one glorious day of sledding. By the time we're headed down the T Trail back to the rig, we're completely worked. And then some. Every muscle is screaming in agony (including ones that I didn't even know existed!). A hot shower later, we're cozy in the lodge dining on a scrumptious prime rib dinner and the party begins..
This morning I kissed Little Buddy goodbye (he was up watching cartoons) and headed to work. I'm off at noon, doing a grocery run and plan on accomplishing nothing more than house cleaning and laundry all weekend. Oh, and some snuggling and movie time, too. We may stay up late and ring in the New Year..
Or not.
Happy New Year, Ya'll! MISS YOU, BREN!!!