Before continuing on I wanted to take a breather and say a few things..
For all of you that are just joining us I've been telling the tale of Daddy and me. What does that have to do with fostering or fostering to adopt? Nothing. But it is a part of my journey I wanted to share. There's actually a moral to the story and to be quite honest, I need the (free) therapy writing provides.
I double dog swear this started out as one or two posts and.. well.. in true bloggy fashion, has morphed into a saga. Here are the first four parts to get you up to speed:
Dad & Me Revisited
Dad & Me Revisited Part 2
Dad & Me Revisited Part 3
Dad & Me Revisited Part 4
Admittedly, I have been struggling with how to tell the next series of events. I want to be fair (but another part of me wants to throw a certain someone under the bus and expose them for all it's worth). I've spoken to family members, close friends and have prayed on just how much I want/need to tell. It's not cool to bash someone just for the sake of doing so (knowing full well they cannot defend themselves). I have no doubt at the end of the day, I would feel badly for lashing out. There are always several sides to a story (although mine is the correct version, right?).
Please bear in mind when all of this really started to go down, it was just weeks before The Son's senior year of high school. 17 is a selfish, know-it-all, self righteous age. It has been the one thing I have had to remind myself over and over (andoverandoverandover) again.
I believe one day years from now The Son look back with many regrets and poor decisions made will haunt him...
3 weeks ago
Good luck figuring out exactly how to proceed.
You know if there is anything I can do here in CA, all you need to do is pick up the phone.
"The Saga" continues...
Luv ya Darlin'
I know that you will find a good way to tell YOUR story.
Time does have a way of changing how we view our past selves and our actions. But it takes so darn long!
Sorry for your quandary... sounds like this has been an ongoing nightmare. I'm sure whatever decision you make will be good. Your judgment seems to be 'on the mark' in most all your situations!
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