Monday, May 3, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday

Perfectly Safe..

From intruders? Um, no.. But wascilly wabbits!?! YES!

I Capture
Perfect Moments.

PS.. and don't forget Mommy Ladies.. only TWO DAYS LEFT to enter to win!!



Lori Lavender Luz said...

Good to know you won't be attacked by a ferocious rabbit. Not on his watch.

Kristin said...

What a sweet picture. My dogs chase and chase squirrels and birds but never seem to catch them.

Unknown said...

it looks peaceful... but I'm suspecting this scene didn't stay that way very long... lovely photo, perfect moment. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

That is like my dog Lucy. She is a wimp when she gets out of her own yard but watch out squirrels, deer, rabbits and yes, toads.

Anonymous said...

I would definitely feel safe with him protecting me! He looks like he takes his job very seriously. Heehee!


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