Today LittleBuddy starts a reading course through the school district. It's for kiddos that are behind (which he definitely is). It's only 1/2 days so at noon I have to leave work, grab him then meet up with his day camp at whatever place they're visiting. It is going to be a squirrelly month but well worth it. I really want him to be closer to ready when school starts next month... I pray this helps.
But summer is not over yet!
We've got a big birthday party planned for him and a camping trip coming up in a few weeks. In between there will surely be days at Gramsie's Lake, bbqs with family and playdates on the weekends.
And s'mores. Lots of s'mores.
1 week ago
I just started an online reading program with my children. It is called ticket to read. Child earns tickets with in the program by reading and answering questions. They can cash in their tickets to decorate their reading clubhouse. My daughter was so excited. They have a 14 day free trial. good luck
It sounds like a fabulous but crazy summer. Hope the class helps little buddy and enjoy your summer.
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