It's literally weeks before the big court date (rescheduled from June) and we've all been praying for smooth sailing.. especially since the last postponement. "All" includes not only our family and friends but the social workers, GAL and CASA, as well. Nearly two years into this case, it's well past time to move forward. The children need permanency, especially Little Buddy.
Earlier this week DH had an inkling something was happening and sure enough, we were told our RFT was replaced (she's our worker, not the childrens'). No explanation, just.. POOF... gone...
And boat is beginning to rock.
Wet behind the ears and not familiar with the case, New Worker is gung ho for keeping the children contact with all family members. If you've been around here for a while, you know I am an advocate for open adoptions (staying in touch with bio family post adoption). For some new parents, it's a hard pill to swallow but it all boils down to what's best for the kiddos. Bio family is very important and staying in contact is, in my book, a must if it's safe and healthy for the children.
Sorry, DNA doesn't automatically make them okay. NOT by a long shot.
There are family members that we have established a wonderful relationship with and have no problems whatsoever. They have been to our home and us to theirs. They will be at Little Buddy's birthday party and may join us for the day while we're camping. They're over the moon happy the kiddos are with us and part of the prayer chain that we make it to adoption. I consider them an extension of our family and feel blessed they will continue to be part of the childrens' lives.
On the flip side, there are family members that are neither healthy or safe. In fact, a few are outright dangerous. It's true, I'm a worry wort but dang it, I've got to go with my gut. We had been asked to do an ice breaker with one (meet face to face) and I outright refused. First time EVER for this team player. I don't want this person to know anything about us.. not even what I look like.
It's that serious.
Word has it New Worker is pushing for family contact for all.. the whole wide-eyed, doesn't-know-anything-about-the-case-but-wants-to-be-heard kind of thing. I'm hearing this from the kids' social worker (N.W. hasn't yet made contact with us directly) and I'm in, "Oh Hell To The No!" mode.
When it comes to SweetPea and LittleBuddy's well being, I will stand my ground. No ifs ands or buts about it. For now I'm told the others on this case have my back.. Holding Breath..
C'mon August!!
1 week ago
Gah! Having to train a newbie at this stage on the intricacies of the ground you've already covered!
And yes to this: " if it's safe and healthy for the children."
unbelievable. will keep you in our prayers.
Praying hard that this new worker gets a reality check and the boat doesn't get rocked too badly.
We will add your new worker to our prayers for you and the kiddos in hopes that he/she will see the light....Good luck and God Bless
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