OOPS, I mean Wiiiiii!!!!
Get THIS.. our girl Amber over at one of my fav web sites Mile High Mamas is GIVING AWAY a Wii AND Wii Fit!!!
IT'S SO EASY.. All you have to do is GO HERE NOW and leave a comment on WHY you want (or in my case NEED) one. Give the contest a shout out on your blog and you can enter up to 5 times!
Go Forth and Wii My People!!

(PS.. if one of you wins you have to promise to invite me over to play, ok?)
Go forth and Wii....ROFL!
I am doing just that, I would love to win a Wii. Especially considering I won a game for the Wii and have nothing to play it on.
Okay I'll enter but since I already have both products if I win can I just have them send it to you? Seriously...I have a second set sitting here in my office unopened that I will either sell or return, I don't really want a 3rd.
I just purchased both this week. :) Thanks for stopping by Ask Baby Kid!!
You sure can send the one you win this way! LOL!!
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