We had a horrible night.. Jill cried on and off from midnight to 4am. Unable to sleep, Jack came into our room no less than 5 times seeking solitude. Up down up down. It seemed never ending. They are actually perky this morning, dressing without incident for Nantie.
Wish I could see the same for myself.
My body is numb and the coffee is not kicking in. If you see me today, I'll be the 39 1/2 year old that is mentally unstable with dark bags under her eyes. Tread lightly around me. Consider yourselves warned.
Thank God It's Friday.

:( poor kids.
I can't imagine what must be going through their minds..Hopefully they will sleep better tonight and you can get some much needed rest! Hang in there! :)
You poor thing... you'll have the weekend to recover. Isn't it amazing how kids can be up half the night and in the morning act like nothing ever happened? haha! :)
thanks for "dropping" in on my blog...hope you get some needed rest this weekend!
poor girl....hope you get to sleep in this weekend. rest and enjoy...
Sweetie, I am so sorry. When I am sleep deprived or sick are my toughest times as a mom. I hope you get some quality R&R this weekend!
Just think...if you had newborns...your boobs would be raw from nursing and horomones on overdrive as well as the exhaustion. Now...why the hell did I not choose to adopt?
Just showing you the silver lining!! :)
Love ya!
Dude, screw the coffee on mornings like that. Go STRAIGHT for the Red Bull. Works WONDERS for me, and I don't even have kids!
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