Monday, June 15, 2009

My 30's In A Nutshell

A month before I turned 30 (a year after Mama passed away) I found out I was an adopted county baby.

The day I turned 30 - I was thrilled my (now ex) husband made it home (from a week long binge) to celebrate the joyous occasion.

31- I hooked back up with my old high school friend, Brenda (thank the Good Lord above). After 6 years I kicked the ex to the curb as the realization finally sunk in that I could not save him from his drug addiction. You can't save someone that doesn't want to quit.

32-Met DH

33-35 ~ Life was for once drama free and amazingly calm.. juuust right.

36 - Bought our home together.

37 - Got hitched.

38 - Tried but couldn't get pregnant.. Plan B (adoption) was set into motion and our home study to become foster to adopt parents begun. Through a series of events I reconnected with my father that I hadn't seen for 20+ years. It was beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time.

39 - Got certified with a local county and our 2 beautiful twins were placed with us. A roller coaster indeed but we wouldn't have it any other way.

This past decade was filled with big blessings, new beginnings, loads of laughter and love. I have no room to complain.. I honestly never knew how young 40 was until I was standing staring at it face to face.

Crow's feet and all..



Lori Lavender Luz said...

Having met you, I can attest to your beauty.

Happy new decade, Melissa! May it be full of love.

Eva Carper said...

lots of life changes all packed in a decade, but all for the better!

MtnGirl said...

I just turned 46 y/o and 40 is young! :-) I don't "feel" old except in my body which creaks more, etc.

Sheri said...

My thirties were filled with lots of changes (divorce, kids, changing careers, personal growth).

I am in my 40's and loving it!

Happy birthday!


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