My lovely sister-in-law was cooking dinner one night and her hubby asked what she was making. As she stirred the spaghetti sauce she told him the night's menu and he commented, "Well that's not really cooking then is it?" (in part because she was adding a jar to her already prepared sauce since it was too dry). The spoon plunked into the sauce (from shock)and with hands planted firmly on her hips her inner Tootie-of "Facts of Life" fame- came to life. I'm told her voice rose to a pitch only their dogs could hear, "Well, if you think that all I do around here is 'heat things up' then I've got something to tell you..."
Mind you, she is an amazing a cook. She loves to try new recipes and spends hours in the kitchen creating all kinds of wonderful meals and we're happy to be her test dummies.
My brother in law backed away slowly as he realized he had better stop speaking right there and then for fear of life and limb (finally, some sense!)...
Her dear husband now rues the day he ever made that comment. It has gone down into family history as the single most over used one liner ever. Us ladies won't let it go for good reason (and the men folk still take stabs at him, too). Not a gathering goes by that we don't throw out there that we're "heating up" this or that for dinner. It has taken on a life of it's own..
This weekend is no excepton as we are throwing another family bbq. Once all the guests have arrived and settle into their patio chairs with drinks in hand, my sil and I are donning adorable, low cut, form fitting orange blouses and our best push up bras. We'll be serving the family with the following name tags: We're too old to be Ashley and Candi so I think I'm going to be Vera and she's going to be Flo. Don't worry, for the sake of appetites we're skipping the short shorts.. that would be taking it a bit far and we would want to do THAT now, would we? ;o)
1 week ago
Ha!!!!! That is freakin' hilarious! Please take pics. I've gotta see this!
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