Saturday, January 3, 2009

Snow Fun

It's not officially a day of sledding until someone gets stuck:

It was a fantastic ride.



Ann Harrison said...

How long were they stuck?
This picture makes me long for a huge mug of hot chocolate. (And possibly a splash of some brandy. Ooooh! That's sounds good right now ;-> )

Stacy Uncorked said...

You are so's not 'official' until someone gets stuck! LOL!! And at least it was a 'fantastic' ride! ;)

Anonymous said...

That snow is a bit too deep for me. Glad we don't have any snow right now in Cleveland, Ohio.

Bren said...

AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! You dumbass! Poor Matt! But...YEAH ME! IT WASN'T ME THIS TIME!

(Wait, that pic IS of YOU stuck, right? Well, whomever it was: DUMBASS!)

Luv ya! Mean it!



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