Things here in our little village are rolling right along. We are all just about 100% except for JuneBug.. her nose started running again a couple days ago and she was up coughing last night. I swear, it's a never ending battle..
We have been in email contact with her bio family and I have to say, I already adore them. They are a beautiful, solid, Christian family and are anxious to have JuneBug join them. She deserves nothing but the best and they seem to fit the bill. I tried to assure them (to the best of my ability) that she is truly loved, safe and doing wonderfully. I believe my roll now (in addition to caring for her) is to provide comfort for them and make this as positive of an experience as I possibly can.
They have to go through everything we did for certification.. training, CPR, home study, background checks... the works. Obviously DNA doesn't give you an automatic green light for approval. Please keep them in your prayers for peace and strength during this tumultuous time.
And patience.. lots of patience..
3 weeks ago
I'll definitely be thinking about everyone in this situation. You have such an amazing attitude and I love your strength and ability to see the situation from all sides. I'm glad that if she couldn't be with you, at least she's going somewhere where she'll be getting the love and care she deserves.
I'm almost in the same situation but we are still not sure what is going to happen. Our baby girl twins have been with us since Dec. and we should find out if family is going to step up this coming week or so....
At this point I feel the same, if by any chance they have family who can/will jump through all the hoops, like we did then that is what needs to be done! Our girls are precious and I hope for their sake they do have wonderful and positive family who can one day take them home. But if that is not the case, we will definitely care and love them forever!
Good luck and take care...
Hope y'all don't all get round 2 (or is it 3) of the bug JuneBug has gotten.
I'm glad her family seems so wonderful.
You have such a wonderful attitude about being a foster parent.
You are loving, caring, protective and nurturing, but can also let go when and if it's time.
And yet amaze me!
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