Thursday, September 25, 2008

Little Miss Smarty Pants

We've got to have at least 3 credit hours each month to maintain our certification. It's basically reading fost/adopt related books, watching some tv shows (Super Nanny is on the approved list) or specific movies, filling out a form (what we learned, etc) and turn them in on time. We can also get hours by attending discussions and there are web sites you can choose subjects and take quick courses (for a small fee). My favorite is FC&AC ("Foster Care & Adoptive Community"). You have to be careful, the downloads are only good for a week (I learned that one the hard way). If you purchase one, print it, read it and take the test. Don't lollygag.

I'm starting to love the convenience of Netflix and had "Juno" delivered in 1 day. It's a recommended movie and heck, I've been wanting to see it anyway. Friday=movie night. That'll be good for 1.5 hours and we've both got books we're about to finish so September is covered. Yay.

Hey, I bet if I don't get our paperwork faxed in on time THE PHONE WOULD RING THEN, right? Then I could be all snarky and act like I thought they lost my number so we didn't bother..

Ya, that would show 'em..


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